Just a quick update about my doctor's appointment today. First, the background for those of you I haven't talked to in the last few weeks.
I am 35.5 weeks (YAY!), and at our last sonogram the baby was breech with his umbilical cord wrapped once around his neck. (He has been breech all along, but the cord was a new thing.) For the last few weeks the plan had been to have the doctor attempt to manually turn the baby around 36 weeks so that I could avoid having a c-section. When we discovered the cord around the neck, the plan changed, and the doctor would not turn the baby unless the cord was no longer around the baby's neck.
So, today was the big sonogram to see what was going on with Baby Boy McFarland and if I was going to undergo the external cephalic version (baby-turning procedure) in labor and delivery tomorrow. The cord IS still around the baby's neck, but thankfully he seems to be tolerating this just fine. He is definitely still breech. In fact, he has moved from frank breech (butt down) to a footling breech (feet down) position. According to the sonogram, he gained a whopping 20 ounces in the last 10 days, and his estimated weight is now 6 pounds 4 ounces! Judging from what we saw during the sonogram, Brian thinks he's carrying at least a third of his weight in his incredibly adorable and insanely chubby cheeks!
Therefore, the doctor will not be attempting to turn the baby tomorrow. The plan for now is to go back in a week for another sonogram. Again, if the cord has moved, the doctor will attempt to turn the baby. If not, we will probably schedule a c-section for around 39 weeks assuming I don't go into labor before that.
I'm disappointed that it is looking more and more like I will need to have a c-section. I have spent my pregnancy preparing for a natural, vaginal delivery and it's something I feel pretty passionately about. BUT, I have not lost sight of the most important thing--the fact that I am pregnant with a healthy baby. I am truly so thankful!
I'll let you know if anything exciting happens in the next few days.
Summer 2017
7 years ago