Lets just say that Reid and Camille may not look a whole lot alike right now, but they share similar personalities. Sweet Jesus, help me! Camille is not a bad baby. She's not colicky. She does not cry for hours on end. She simply thinks that she needs to be in my arms ALL THE TIME. She can be sound asleep in my arms but as soon as I put her down she wakes up. Crying. She sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time at night...as long as I hold her or snuggle her next to me in bed. She would also like to eat 24-7. She will ride in the Ergo carrier strapped to the front of me which is how I prepare Reid's food, clean the kitchen, do laundry, etc... And the last week or so she is finally letting me put her on her play mat or in her swing for brief intervals.
Add to the newborn insanity Hurricane Reid. That child never stops. He is such a great kid. He is smart, he's adorable, and he plays well by himself and with others. However, he is throwing some horrendous tantrums lately. I'm talking tantrums with every diaper change, almost every time he goes in his car seat, sometimes when he goes in his booster seat to eat and frequently when he is told "no". And these tantrums are kicking, screaming, back-arching, body-throwing, bang-your-head-into-the-back-of-the-chair performances every blasted time. This is easily my least favorite part of parenting thus far.
So, yes, life is insane. Yet there are so many precious moments during each day: Camille snuggled on my chest...so tiny and innocent, Reid's adorable little voice chattering away, Reid bringing Camille a pacifier or covering her with a blanket, Camille smiling at me, Reid learning to do something new. The list goes on and on. It always seems that when I've reached the absolute end of my patience, one of them does something to soften my heart and remind me that this is such a sweet and fleeting time in our lives. As crazy as it seems now, I know that one day I will miss this craziness.
And now, pictures!
Wow. I didn't even know you were having another baby! How exciting! And girls are so much fun to dress!
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Excuse me for share Obat syaraf kejepit di tulang ekor reading Obat luka usus great Biaya operasi kelenjar getah bening di leher saat ini about Obat mata buram sebelah kiri dan kanan make Obat telinga sakit seperti ditusuk tusuk touch Obat telat datang bulan maybe Obat untuk mengatasi sudah lama tidak haid keep Obat keloid di wajah need Obat bisul di dekat dubur come Obat peningkat hb darah Thank you...
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