We are a tidbit behind on blogging here at the McFarland house. Reid actually turned 9 months old on Friday, but we were off on a wonderful, crazy, long whirlwind of a road trip to Kansas to see Brian's extended family. Pictures of that trip will be coming soon to a computer near you. But for now, to my baby boy, who is growing up more and more every second, Happy 9 Month Birthday!
Capturing this months picture was an incredible challenge. Reid risked life and limb to indulge my need to document his every move. I thought about using this picture because I feel it accurately represents who Reid is as a little person at 9 months old:
However, I persisted, Reid used 8 of his 9 lives, and we were able to capture a more legitimate shot.
However, I persisted, Reid used 8 of his 9 lives, and we were able to capture a more legitimate shot.
Summer 2017
7 years ago