Most of you know this already, but here is the scoop: (warning: the word cervix is used multiple times below)
I went to the doctor for a routine check-up/ultrasound on Friday. I was 19 1/2 weeks at the time. Brian and Reid were with me. Our baby girl looks great! One of the choroid plexus cysts had completely resolved, and the other was much smaller. She was measuring perfectly, opening and closing her mouth and squirming, jumping and bouncing in a way that is eerily reminiscent of her brother's actions in utero... Scary!
The bad news: My cervix was shorter than it should have been, and it was funneling (opening at the top which indicates weakness). Both of these things can indicate that pre-term labor is a possibility. This is exactly what happened when I was pregnant with Reid with one major exception: I am about 9 weeks earlier in my pregnancy this time around. The minimum gestational age for viability is 24-25 weeks (with not-so-good long term prognosis). Needless to say: we were totally freaked out.
My doctor wanted me to go home and start bed rest immediately. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that this treatment will work. The good news: a) my cervix is longer now (2.8 cm) than it was when I went on bed rest with Reid (when it was 1.7 cm); and b) my doctor felt like the fact that my cervix stayed fairly stable for 10 weeks when I was on bed rest with Reid was a good sign this time around.
The reality of our situation right now: I am on total bed rest for the duration of this pregnancy (and we are hoping that is a long, long time). Actually, that's not doctor said in 14 weeks I can come off of bed rest and resume normal activities. That is 3 1/2 months from now. Holy moly, that's a long time! We need a minimum of 5-6 weeks to give this baby a fighting chance. Wow, typing that out makes it even more real.
Ideally, I spend the vast majority of the day lying down as sitting can increase pressure on the cervix. I am sitting up occasionally throughout the day to relieve the pain in my back that is caused by constantly lying down. I am also showering every day or two. Yummy. In the last four days I have moved from my bed to the couch to the leather chair and back again. This is my life.
Oh yeah, and we're still moving this weekend.
My mom is here for another week. I cannot imagine going through this without her help.
Reid is doing well. I'm trying to figure out ways to spend quality time with him throughout the day. So far we have snuggled in bed between 6-7am, read books, watched Barney and Sesame Street and eaten non-messy snacks in bed together. He also climbs in my lap for lots of hugs and kisses throughout the day.
Brian is holding down the fort and working and coordinating this move. Crazy.
The only family members who are insanely excited about this bed rest? Baxter and Bristow, of course! My loyal companions are thrilled about the unlimited snuggle time and attention they are getting from me right now.
I'm sure you'll hear much, MUCH more from me in the near future. I have nothing but time...
Summer 2017
7 years ago
We are praying for you guys. Maybe it started earlier this time because your uterus has already expanded with the last pregnancy? If we can do anything, just let us know. I worked with a 23 weeker who was pretty amazing if that makes you feel any better. That was a milestone for me with this pregnancy because of that little girl.
oh allison!! i will be praying for you and that precious little dolly of yours all the way from corpus :) what a blessing that you have family there to love on you and make this season a little bit more manageable.
while your friends & fam settle you into your new digs, put up your feet, grab the latest copy of real simple and just kick back!!
happy, healthy wishes and big prayers!! bekah
Wow Allison, I'm so sorry. I wish I lived closer to help!!! Give me a call when you need some adult interaction!
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